Thursday, April 7, 2016

Spring colors

50 shades of pink just because it is so lovely. Every tree seems to be covered with pink petals at the moment. It is such a short pleasure and I guess that just makes you love it even more. The petals from the flowers are already falling to the ground and and bright fresh green leaves are starting to mix with the pink shades by now. 

This is the church that I pass as I bike home from work. It has some of the pretties Magnolia trees in Basel. You can see people coming here daily to take pictures of themselfs and the trees. It is also a popular spot for wedding couples.

There is one big tree with the lighter shade of pink flowers with pointier flower petals and one with a deeper pink-purple shade of flowers.

 These are the pictures I took Sunday. It was such a beautiful spring day and I decided to take my bike and my camera and just ride around an take pictures. There are many times when I don't have my camera with me that I see things I want to take pictures of. Even if I could of course snap a picture with my phone it is not the same thing. Not the same quality. 

 Throwing in some white and yellow as well.

 The cherry blossoms are just as pretty as the Magnolias with their small clusters of pink flowers. There is an intense humming sound by the bees that are drawn to cherry trees. It so pretty to see how the world returns to color after winter. Everything awakens by the light and warm sun rays - I feel it too.

Today is a greyish day in Basel. The beautiful spring weather is taking a break and we also have cooler temperatures. Hopefully the sun returns soon again.


Annika said...

Jamenvisst, när det är så vackert som det är just nu går det inte att låta bli att fota.
Himlens härlighet.
Våra magnolior har blommar över nu, så gott som.
De är ju så underbara då de blommar.
Det är som en sagovärld nu, Desiree. Bara att njuta av denna korta suck.
Dina bilder är underbara.

Anne said...

Definitivt, såå vackert och varje år när det händer njuter man lika mycket och förundras. Som du säger, uppskattas nog extra mycket för att det är så kort och kommer efter en kal, grå vinter.
Kyrkan är otroligt vacker, har du nån aning om hur gammal den är?

Ninnie said...

Å, så vackert! Underbart. Jag längtar så efter att våren ska sätta fart här i Sverige med, här hos mej är det regnigt och kallt, bara 5 grader idag...Ha en fin helg!