Monday, May 23, 2016

Perfect Summer Weekend

This weekend really made up for last weekend when it rained mostly. This weekend was the perfect summer weekend with 25 degrees C and sunshine. We spent plenty of time out here on our deck. Friday we had a BBQ and invited some of our colleges from work. Two of them are also our neighbors as they live in the next house across from ours. Saturday we flipped some burgers and then headed towntown to the river to meet up with some other friends for a drink.

C completed this little herb garden for me. Love to have fresh herbs available. Thyme, Rosemary, Parsley and Chives.

We also made our first batch of home made ice cream. Now that we have the new freezer in the basement we have more space and are able to freeze the ice cream maker bowl needed to churn the ice cream in making. We did an Amaretto-Biscotti ice cream. Oooh did that turn out yummy! Love the fact that we can now make any flavor we feel like. Looking forward to going to pick my own berries and then making ice cream.

The new freezer was also a blessing to have when we had the BBQ Friday with 8 guests. We were able to chill the drinks in the fridge and also hade ice cubes available in the freezer.

Summer is here now that we have done our first evening by the Rhine with friends. That is really instills the true summer feeling if you live in Basel as this is the spot where everyone gathers summertime. The water was still too cool to go swimming but the evening was balmy and nice. So easy to take your bike down here, meet up and hang out. Having a source of water like this just means a lot for a city.

Today Monday the rain is pouring down. Such a contrast compared to the summer weather we had this weekend but I much rather have it rain on a Monday than a Sunday. How was your weekend?


Matilda said...

What a great weekend you had. I'm to stressed to focus right now, on Sunday our belongings are headed to Glion, Montreux. My husband is already there, but we are waiting for the schools to end which means a few weeks out of our suitcases. :)

Annika said...

Fin helg för dig, Desiree. Här var det bara regn. Älskar er balkong. SÅ fin! SÅ mysig!
Glad att sommaren har kommit till din del av världen. Hoppas regnet blir tillfälligt.
OCH hemmagjord glass, mums!!

Saltistjejen said...

Vilken underbar helg! Och egenfjord glas så gott!!
Härligt att vädret vänt nu och att ni kan ta vara på sköna sommarkvällar med vänner. Det är bästa sättet att ladda batterierna tycker jag.

Desiree said...

Mathilda, sounds stressful. I hope it all works out well with your move. Wish you the best of luck.

Annika, det ar ganska ostadigt vader just nu. Regnet kom och sedan sjonk temperature till ca 10 grader under mandagen da det regnade hela dagen. Nu ser det ut som det ska regna hela langhelgen som mina foraldrar ar har :-(

Saltis, glassen blev verkligen god. Den har helgen var sa skon for det var lagom varmt. Gillar inte da det blir for hett och hettan lar nog komma sa smaningom.

Anne said...

Aaahhhh, hemlagad glass. Har du förresten provat laga glass med kondenserad mjölk och grädde (plus smaksättning), enligt de svenska matbloggar jag följer verkar det vara svenska trenden just nu och "alla" gör sån sorts glass...
Vad mysigt med sköna,varma sommarkvällar vid floden. Kan tänka mig att det är en skön stämning där då, en sån där härlig feeling.