Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Pick your own

There are lot's of pick your own flower patches around Basel. Sunday afternoon we felt we wanted to get out of the house after spending the whole day at home cleaning up after the crawfish party, so we went for a drive. A short tour to Rheinfelden in Germany with these lovely fields of sunflowers. A beautiful pick your own field. There are scissors provided and a box where you leave your money. Then you just head out into the field and pick your flowers.

Aren't they beautiful! Love sunflowers. They just make me happy.

There are a number of different pick your own fields with different flowers. We also stopped by this field with Gladioulus flowers. There is something so appealing with flowers in all kinds of shades of bright colors. 

 I love having fresh flowers in my home.

We really love our outdoor space. We have spent almost all summer out on the deck when we have been at home. I think we have eaten all our meals there except for once or twice due to bad weather. I have my little herb corner and have enjoyed harvesting my herbs for cooking. Our tomato plant has also given us the most delicious and juicy small cocktail tomatoes. C brought home these lovely Dahlias to exchange some of the other flowers that had done their job for the summer. 

So pretty!

Our wonderful deck that really has turned into a sun room during the summer.
My little herb corner and our new Dahlias.

We enjoyed a nice drive Sunday. Besides the flower fields we also passed a number of vinyards growing on the slopes. The grapes aren't ripe yet but they are growing and getting there.

Only in Basel do you go for a drive to Germany to pick flowers and then drive back home through France. Passing through three countries all within a drive of half an hour.

Sunny Tuesday today. A little cooler. First hints of fall in the air? What are you up to today? I am about to head off into town for my German class.


Suzesan said...

Så härligt med de vackra blommorna. Man kan plocka själv eller?? Betala i nån låda med självbetjäning??


Desiree said...

Suzesan, ja det är precis det man gör. Man plockar själv och lämnar pengar i en låda. Det är toppen.

Charlie sa ... said...

Pick your own - love it. Så härligt och vackert. Den här årstiden är outstanding. Vi har turen att flera gårdar nära, men mycket astrar och annat fint. Ska ta mig en runda, handla lite nyvärpta ägg och god bacon.