Friday, August 30, 2013

Sweet Friday

 Holy cow, I have no idea where this week went. It's gone so fast. Holy cow, would probably be a very appropiate expression here in Switzerland. There is something special with Swizz cows. If cows are sacred in India they almost are here as well. They are the symbol of Switzerland in many ways.

On my way home yesterday I made a small detour and made a few new discoveries. Found this little craft and design shop. Just the best place for nice gifts. Not one of those normal tourist shops but here they got high quality things that are fun, cute and neat.

 Love the idea of using old milk jugs and converting them into stools. I think this is fun and decorative. Unfortunately they cost about 400 dollars each.

 They had the huge cow bells on display. There are the sizes that are used and you see them as decorative artifacts when you travel to the country side. Many people hang them from their balconies in the country side. Yes, they are simply huge!

 Cuckuu clocks. Again very cute. They got every single little detail right from the dog to the flowers and the curtains.

 I also passed by the cheese store in old town. If you want to get something very special I guess you should by some of this Gruyere that has been aged for 2 years. Really good top of the line Gruyere is usually aged 12 months. The Swiss love, love, love their cheese. Again you got the love for the cows. Making sure that the cows get a good, long and relaxing life so that they can produce the best milk to make the best cheese.

 This little tiny shop has over 60 different kinds of cheese to choose from. You never go short of choices when it comes to cheese in this country. There are just so many kinds of Alp or mountain cheese. The hard thing is to remember which ones you have tried and which ones you liked the best.

 Hmmm, this feels kind of early. I got myself a Christmas chock when I passed by this store in old town. I have never seen it before so maybe it is something that pops up seasonally. Well, I think we should have fall first before thinking about Christmas.

 This is a perfect outfit right now. Leggings for the little chilly mornings that are easy to take off when it get's warmer during the day. You got the cooler mornings now and then it is summer again during the afternoon.
 Weekend plans? At the moment not so much on the agenda. Maybe we will try to hit that farmers market again and hope there won't be heavy rain again. This evening I might go to the Tingly Museum where they are having a jazz evening. The sun is shining and the sky is blue. It is Friday and there is a summer feeling in the air. Might be one of those last summer days to make the most of. 

Happy Friday to y'all!


Miss Marie said...

Kor i Alperna är också överallt, coolt att se! :)

Desiree said...

Marie, yes det stämmer. Det är både coolt och vackert. De verkar leva ett gott liv här i Schweiz.

Charlie sa ... said...

Nu har jag läst i kapp...får alltid en sådan härlig känsla när jag ser dina vackra bilder och läser dina fina texter. Du är alltid så spot on!

Du vet ju att jag är en mat- och marknadsälskare! Tror jag skulle trivas som fisken i vattnet i era trakter. Härliga klockor (kan tänka mig att de är gigantiska).

Njut av helgen! Vi har långhelg så det känns toppen.


Anne said...

Pallarna var utsöta, men inte helt gratis direkt... Men mysig souvenirbutik, inget krims krams utan rejla grejer.
Det är helt galet hösten inte ens kan komma före man ser de första julgrejerna. Jag såg faktiskt blink-blink julgrejer på Costco härondagen, samt en gång full med julpresentpapper. Tokigt.

Desiree said...

Lotta, tack så mycket. Jag visste nog att du skulle gilla famers market bilderna. Det finns så mycket gott där och så mycket härliga färger.
Ha en finfin helg du också.

Anne, jo fina men ganska dyra och sedan är ju problemet att de måste passa in på rätt sätt vilket de inte skulle göra i vårt hem. Jag tycker det är lite väl med julgrejer redan innan augusti ens är slut. Inte alls sugen på jul nu redan. Först vill jag njuta av hösten :-)

Suzesan said...

Snygg outfit. Lite som jag kan pussla ihop mig själv så där.

Jag läser ikapp mig så jag fyller på neråt;)
